Dual Enrollment is a life-changing program that creates an opportunity for students to start college early and save money. Applying at your high school to join the Dual Enrollment program is the first and most important step to get started. Soon after, you are faced with the difficult decision of where to apply as a Dual Enrollment college student.
Through our Dual Enrollment consultations we find that students and their families miss the step of researching Dual Enrollment at a college or university they would like to attend. This is precisely why we created our free Dual Enrollment Near You search tool. Oftentimes, they take a step back to evaluate if they qualify to attend that school and how to proceed with completing the college's own Dual Enrollment application process.
We always walk students through a series of questions to see what college works for their life scenario. Let’s cover 11 questions you need to ask yourself before you choose a Dual Enrollment college.
Does your high school have a Dual Enrollment partnership with a specific college?
This question can help students make a clear decision of what college to attend. If your high school offers Dual Enrollment college classes on campus, you can certainly earn college credits and apply to receive a transcript from that school. Even after you graduate high school, you can continue taking classes at that college to complete your degree or certificate.
What Dual Enrollment colleges do you meet the eligibility guidelines for?
Dual Enrollment has eligibility guidelines specific to every country, state, and school. You may qualify for the Dual Enrollment program in your state, but don’t meet the rules of the college in your area. Luckily, there are multiple colleges in a city and are offered online to solve that problem. Conduct research about what colleges will easily accept you, your test scores, etc.
Watch our video on How to Apply for Dual Enrollment to hear about this more in-depth.
Do you need Flexible Dual Enrollment Class Options?
The most important thought to keep in the back of your mind is that you are still a student under 18. Your parents/guardians work jobs, your family members have extracurricular activities, and value family time at home. With this in mind, you may need flexible class options to pursue Dual Enrollment and have it fit within your schedule. Some colleges, like community colleges, are more likely to offer day time, evening, weekend, blended, and online courses.
What college class size helps you learn better?
Similar to the environment you are familiar with at your high school, consider colleges with class sizes that help you learn the best. You may want to attend a popular 4-year public university, but they host classes in lecture halls. Some small, private colleges usually have a smaller student body under about 10,000 students. Private colleges also don’t always cover full college tuition for Dual Enrollment students.
Can you be successful in rigorous college classes?
While you are thinking about the best Dual Enrollment college for you, try to remember how well you perform in normal classes versus Honors and A.P. courses at your high school. If you would prefer to take traditional classes, consider a community college that offers a realistic class curriculum. If you would like to push yourself and take an advanced curriculum similar to Honors or A.P. courses, a large public university or private school can meet your needs.
What college campus would make you feel the most safe?
As mentioned earlier, you are still under 18 as a Dual Enrollment student. Another important conversation to have is what college has the safest campus for you to walk around and for your family to feel comfortable. A smaller campus at a community college or private university may suit your needs or a large public campus with many people around may make you feel safe.
Does a Dual Enrollment college offer transfer opportunities for the future?
While thinking about future, look into what colleges you would like to transfer to after your Dual Enrollment College. If you attend a community college while you are in high school, you may want to transfer to a public 4-year university after graduation because they will accept all of your college credits and offer an enticing scholarship.
Watch this video of our CEO, Amara Leggett, talking about her experience in attending a 4-year private university after Dual Enrollment. She graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science at 19 after receiving an Associate of Science degree at 16.
Does your major exist at a college?
If you know what program you would like to study, ensure that your Dual Enrollment college offers exactly that or an easily transferable Associate's degree. It is common for Dual Enrollment students to follow the path of an Associate’s degree because they don’t know their future major or plan to transfer to a 4-year college.
The video in the previous question can also shed light on this.
What resources do you need to be successful in your career after college?
If you are planning to move into a career after a Dual Enrollment college, research what that college can offer you professionally in addition to academically. Dual Enrollment students that receive an Associate’s degree or certificate can certainly accept a position after graduation. Look into salary guarantee, job fairs, companies that hire directly from that school, co-op, etc. before you make a decision.
Would you feel more comfortable with a diverse student body?
Another great topic of conversation is what college would make you feel comfortable in terms of diversity of the student body, professors, clubs, and majors. You may want to pursue a major in African American studies, another culture, or certain languages. You may want a student body that looks like you or professors that can advocate for you. Some schools, especially private universities, are Christian colleges. Find a college campus that can empower you to achieve academic success in your own way.
How easy is it to attend a specific college?
Acceptance rates are very important for high school graduates to consider when they apply for colleges, it still applies for Dual Enrollment students. Ivy league or highly sought-after colleges may prove to be a challenge to get into. Some schools could accept you into an initial program where you complete your basic General Education courses first, then you have to apply again to get in your desired program which is dependent on good grades, no failed classes, and spaces available.
Is there a Dual Enrollment college that is conveniently located near you?
If you did not ask yourself any of the other questions, please ask yourself what college is near me. You should be able to easily get to class on time based on your transportation scenario. Some students can walk, take the public bus, be dropped off, or drive themselves to college. It is crucial that you can be in class, attend tutoring, study at the library, complete group projects, and sit in on final exams.
These can be difficult questions to ask yourself and conversations to have with your family, but it is worth it. Your answers can make your Dual Enrollment experience worthwhile so you can save thousands on a college degree. We discuss all 11 questions with students we work with and it makes the college decision an easy one. You can book a consultation here to speak with a Dual Enrollment expert. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out in our website chat, contact form, or email us dualenrollmentco@gmail.com.