Dual enrollment compared to Advanced Placement (A.P.) courses vary in many ways but the objective remains the same, to receive college credit. A.P. tends to be a more convenient option offered in high school and often encouraged by educators, yet dual enrollment can guarantee college credit.
What is Dual Enrollment?
Dual Enrollment is a national program that allows a student to be enrolled in two institutions simultaneously. Two common scenarios are to be enrolled in middle school and college or high school and college. In addition to taking advanced classes, the credit earned in college may count as credit towards the second institution as long as the curriculum aligns.
If you would like to learn more about if Dual Enrollment fits you, make sure to check out this article on What is Dual Enrollment?
What is Advanced Placement (AP)?
Advanced Placement is a program that offers college and exams for students to take in high school and possibly receive college credit. The tests are administered by the College Board, which you can read more about here.
Just a few advantages of pursuing dual enrollment are the ability to start and finish college early, save up to $40,000 on college tuition, and the opportunity to pursue college athletics. With the benefits of college and receiving college credit as the main reason students pursue A.P., why not cut straight to the source with dual enrollment? Dual Enrollment allows you to take a college course through a university and gain credits on a college transcript.

With higher education in mind, many students and parents wonder what is the difference between Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement class. There is a huge difference. Hopefully, laying the comparisons out side-by-side will help you decide if dual enrollment is for you.

It is important to note the differences in selecting a program and if college credit can be received with what requirements. While pursuing A.P., check with the college you plan to attend for acceptance of the course and number of credit hours that will be applied. Each program can set you apart on your college application.
Successfully completing Dual Enrollment Courses guarantees credit completion and financial relief before you apply.
Comment down below any differences you have noticed between Dual Enrollment and A.P. that should be added to the list as well as which point you agree with most.