Dual enrollment is not just a single use program for students to earn college credit while they are still enrolled in high school. In the United States, Dual Enrollment is a national program that varies in every state. Around the world, Dual Enrollment is different in each country, and region within each country, like Canada. To determine if the program is a perfect fit for a student, the student needs to evaluate how they can be successful with the information provided.
The information that a student should be provided before they make a decision is:
Eligibility requirements of Dual Enrollment in their country and state
The advantages and disadvantages of Dual Enrollment
How students can be successful in Dual Enrollment
Comparison between Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement (A.P.)
Students' successful and unsuccessful experiences with Dual Enrollment

With these 5 factors, a student can properly agree to take the leap of faith. Enrolling in an Dual Enrollment course is a leap of faith because a student has to believe in themselves enough to attend college early and strive to be successful.
Dual enrollment does have a large list of pros and cons, but the pros are far greater. With the amount of support that Dual Enrollment can provide to students, rest assured that you are not alone as your pursue higher education.

Every program has good and bad reasons for moving forward with it. With dual enrollment, the cons listed on the chart above can be resisted with additional support from your high school and/or college. If you are struggling in a college course and on the verge of failing, reach out to Tutoring services on campus and attend your professor's office hours to receive extra help. If you are unable to find transportation to your college, you can consider online, weekend, or courses offered at your high school.
There is a pro to each con in Dual Enrollment. Hopefully, this chart and the support at the Dual Enrollment Co. makes you think about how dual enrollment could work for you.

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Comment down below what pro makes you excited for joining Dual Enrollment and what con makes you nervous.