“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that is it stupid.” -Albert Einstein
As the idea of new learning styles becomes more familiar, ideally it is important to open up options for students to choose the path that is best for them. This will allow every student to achieve their full potential. CEOs, gifted, athletes, builders, + creatives, are just a few examples of students that learn amongst others. Not only do we have students who learn best in other ways, there are concerns with environments that do not provide a safe space to learn effectively.

With various opportunities to advance your education beyond the high school curriculum provided, students + parents increasingly look toward less traveled paths. From the well-known + self-paced homeschooling to college credit exams that only require a passing grade, there are many ways to take advantage of programs to hack high school. Check out What Is Dual Enrollment article to learn how you can replace your high school classes with college classes and receive dual credit for free or at a reduced cost. Wait… there’s more! You can get a FREE 10 Step Guide to Graduate High School and College Early for anyone who wants to join the dual enrollment program. Hacking can be defined as using unique ways to achieve a goal, meaning you can hack high school + still graduate. With that in mind, here is a list of ways to transform high school into a self-paced + challenge-driven curriculum to pass with flying colors.
Dual Enrollment We gave you a brief overview into the program earlier, but let’s dive in. Dual enrollment is a national program that allows students as young as in seventh grade to take college classes for free or reduced cost + receive dual credit. The program requirements and tuition coverage vary by state + school. As a public school, homeschool, or private school student, students are also eligible to pursue dual enrollment. If you are interested, grab the free guide on How to Graduate High School + College Early. Homeschool One of the best hacks that has been around for a long time is homeschooling. It is self-paced, flexible, + you have the option to continue year round. You may enroll in more classes than usual during the school year in addition to taking full-time high school classes during the summer. Once you meet the requirements needed to graduate, you can request to receive your diploma early. Career Centers Some high schools house a career center for students to pursue a technical career before they graduate. During that time of following a particular field, students can also gain college credit. This is a great way to explore careers before college + well before work-life. It gives students an opportunity to attempt what they show interest in as their major and experience real-life applications to ensure that it is really what they want to do + be successful at it. Advanced Placement (A.P.) The most common track for some students is to enroll in A.P. courses with encouragement from schools as a method to obtain college credit. The class format would be exactly like a traditional high school class + included in a student’s normal schedule. The sole difference is a student would be required to take an end-of-class exam and pass with at least a three out of five score in order to get credit for the time dedicated throughout the year. It is highly suggested to contact the potential college or university you want to attend before beginning A.P. classes to ask the school if they will accept and count the credits. Acceptance of A.P. credits vary with each school. Exam to Graduation One final hack is high school proficiency exams. Certain states will allow a student to take an exam and receive a diploma based on their grade. Here is an article on California High School Proficiency Exam and Ohio’s Alternative Pathway for Diploma. We have always been a lover of education, but first we are an advocate for the right education. One path is not always best for everyone. Many students have taken paths less traveled, so laying all options on the table for every student should be one of the first steps in success but is sometimes the last. It’s about time education is made more accessible and a gateway to success for everyone. Hacking high school is just bridging the gap between standard and exceptional.