Attending college for the first time or returning for a new semester can overwhelm students with the amount of tasks that need to be completed by the first day of classes. Preparing for college can require physical, mental, and financial organization, so here are 7 things you need to check off the list to go back to school.

1. Tie Up Loose Ends
This task is the most important because you could possibly run into an issue in this area preventing you from attending college this coming semester. This is precisely why it is first.
Here are details you need to review with your university:
Ensure that your financial aid package is correct with no unexpected expenses and has a status of accepted in your account summary.
If you are paying out of pocket for your tuition, check when you need to pay or how to set up a payment arrangement.
Schedule a doctor’s appointment to get an updated shot and/or gather your medical records.
Opt in or out of your university’s health insurance.
Purchase a parking pass.
If you are graduating from college this semester, you will need to apply by filling out certain forms before the deadlines.
2. Write Your Goals
Outlining your semester in advance, allows you to predict how you would ideally like the next sixteen weeks to pan out. Even if some variables do change throughout the semester, you can refer to your outline to keep you on the right track.
Writing goals can include your student budget, the type of grades do you hope to get, your daily schedule, etc. This is also helpful to make sure you will be meeting the requirements of any scholarships, athletics, or any other opportunities you may have.
3. Clean Out The Old & Make Room for the New
The most satisfying part of preparing to go back to school is cleaning out last year’s school work and making room for new school supplies. Go through your bookbag, desk, and laptop to remove what you don’t need and begin organizing the layout for this semester.
4. Review Class Schedule
The second most important task is reviewing your class schedule to determine what you need to purchase and what you may need to revise. By analyzing your schedule you can make sure that your classes are the exact day, time, and subject you scheduled for. This would also be a perfect time to change classes if your work schedule has changed, or if you would prefer to attend school online.
Once you look at the details, you can move on to downloading the syllabus for each class and adding all the dates into your calendar. Then, look at what textbooks you may need, so you can scour the internet for more affordable alternatives. It is encouraged to wait until the first day of classes to hear from the teacher what you need. If you are enrolled in online classes, it is best to order your textbooks early so you can start week one on time.
5. Set Up a Productive Workspace
Moving your desk by the window for natural light, clearing the surface for space to work, and providing additional support for hours of sitting, can improve your productivity tremendously.
To create an effective workspace on your laptop, create folders for your classes and bookmark links to important pages. To design a beneficial environment for studying on your phone, download apps to navigate your school campus, access school email, and check on course grades. You can even create music playlists to help you focus while doing homework.
6. Transition to a College Routine
The most difficult part of preparing for back to school is transitioning to a college routine. To ease yourself into waking up early in the morning, gradually wake up earlier every day until school. You also have to get ready for beginning work and being fully active early in the morning.
7. Start College Early
You don’t always have to wait until the first day of class to prepare for your courses. As soon as you have access to the courses content, start on the first week of work. You can get a head start on required reading, posting your introduction discussion post, and submitting assignments early.
A new semester of college is a chance to learn new areas of your major and get you closer to graduating. Concentrate on what tasks you can tackle before you become engrossed in your classes. Have a great semester!
If you are ready to join dual enrollment, schedule your dual enrollment classes for next semester early, or you are graduating the dual enrollment program, book a consultation to help you navigate how.